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About Glen Innes Family Centre
Our Organisation
Glen Innes Family Centre (GIFC) is a community-based organisation that provides a range of services and programmes to support individuals and families in the Glen Innes and surrounding areas. GIFC has been operating since 1979 and has been generously supported by various government and non-government agencies.
Moemoea | Vision
Nurturing the whole person and family.
Kaupapa | Mission
Hei oranga ngakau, hei pikanga wairoa.
Positive feelings in your heart will enhance your sense of self worth.
Nga Tikanga | Values
Aroha | Integrity and compassion
Manaakitanga | Raising the mana of others
Rangatiratanga | Self empowerment, knowledge and leadership
Kotahitanga | Unity
Whanaungatanga | Cultural diversity, respect, trust and honesty
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